Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Simplicity Of It All....

"Each of us is called to be poor, to empty ourselves of all that we cling to so that we may receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."  -Sr. Ilia Delio, Franciscan Prayer
If there's one thing that I like most in this world, it's simplicity.  I tend to think of myself as a simple person.  The idea of a vessel being poured out has been a big focus in my prayer life this past week and a half.  I've mulled over how to empty oneself in order to be filled.  As I was reading the book quoted above by Sr. Ilia, I had another "light bulb" moment.  In order to be empty we must be "poor" and detach from all "that we cling to".  Here lies the simplicity of Franciscan Prayer.  I laughed at myself, reminded of how simple Francis lived and was, because of how complex I thought the answer would be.  I was reminded of the story of Naaman (when he seeks to be healed of his leprosy from Elisha.) He's looking for a complex healing but instead finds it in simply plunging in the Jordan river 7 times (2 Kings 5).

Let us pray this week for the grace to grow in simplicity of mind and heart; to empty ourselves in order to be poured out for others. 

St. Francis, pray for us.
St. Clare, pray for us.
Pope St. John Paul II, pray for us.

Written by Alycia